Evangelical Revivals in the Pacific. Robert Evans Plus Three Addresses on the 1972 Revival in Papua - New Guinea by Margaret Reeson, Joan Rule, and Keith Everingham. Compiled and Edited by Robert Evans
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Books on Revival by Robert Evans including Evangelism and Revivals in Australia, 1880 to 1914 and Evangelical Revivals In The Pacific can be found at

The Tongan Pentecost of 1834 and also of The Tutuila Revival 1839/45 based on research on Samoa by Rev. Robert Evans. Copies are available for $17 each, p&p included, from the author at PO Box 131 Hazelbrook 2779
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Sue Pacey, Daryl Lightfoot and the staff and volunteers of the Eunice Hunter and Ferguson Memorial Libraries, Mayfield Newcastle
Many Stories from the South Pacific Islands for Children here