Read this article about Arthur Stace, a misfit who then came to be a follower of Jesus and a household name (includes a link to film).
Australia's First Indigenous Evangelist?
Bennelong an Aboriginal after his wife Borangaroo (place on western side of Harbour Bridge) died married Abaroo (Boorong) who was raised for 18 months in Richard & Mary Johnsons home where she was taught some basic English and Scripture.
Bennelong & Abaroo had a son born about 1803 who became a Christian in his youth possibly becoming the first Indigenous evangelist.
For further information about the interaction of Christians and Indigenous people please read One Blood by John Harris
29th April 1770: Captain Cook Arrival at Botany Bay - 250th Celebrations Wednesday 29 April 2020
(Very little recognition as all functions were cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic)
Excerpt from Southland of the Holy Spirit
Read this excerpt from article to learn more about Captain James Cook
Our Australian Christian Heritage
This 97 slide presentation contains extensive notes, pictures and maps detailing much of Australia's Christian history. It can be viewed in the following ways:

The Hon Tony Abbott MP
Visit this website to learn more about Australia's National flag.
"Under this flag we have found unity in our diversity and respect in our differences. Together, we have built a modern nation on the idea that all of us can get ahead provided we are prepared to have a go."
Historical Revisionism in the National Curriculum by Prof Augusto Zimmerman
Professor Zimmerman explores the impact of Christianity on human rights and constitutionalism.
WHY the 'I" went missing in Austrialia del Espiritu Santo
There can be little doubt that Quirós originally intended to apply the name “Austrialia Espíritu Santo” to Espíritu Santo in 1606. The term “Australia” then appeared in subsequent texts, either as an alternative spelling or a spelling error. Quirós’ memorials were only intended to have limited circulation, for King Philip III and royal officials. As the result of an unknown sequence of events the 8th Memorial found its way out of Spain, and by 1625 it had been translated into Italian, Dutch, French and lastly English. By this means it entered the lexicon of several languages and was ultimately applied to our nation, with the word “Australia” appearing for the first time in English in Purchas His Pilgrimes in 1625