Life and Work of Samuel Marsden
"Not merely a good man," says the preacher of his funeral sermon "who filled up the place allotted to him on earth, and then sank into his grave ; not merely a faithful minister of Christ, who loved and served his Saviour and turned many to repentance, but more than either of these. Rightly to estimate his character we must view him as a peculiar man, raised up for an especial purpose."
232+ pages - 15 mb

Sailing On With JESUS
Eighteen Reflections with Biblical insight on the First Voyage of Captain James Cook 1768-1771. Jesus is our uniquely divine Captain who can make it possible for us to navigate from earth into heaven! It celebrates the 250th Anniversary in 2020 of Captain Cook's voyage in the Endeavour along the East Coast of Australia.
By David Rowsome

Unto God and Caesar
A history of our founding father's decisions on whether God should be recognised in the Preamble or in Section116 and should the Australian Constitution be given a religious clause or not. These and other issues make interesting reading including the political and religious aspects.
By Richard Ely