Speech by Dr Graham McLennan on the 226th Anniversary of the First Christian Service in Australia by the Rev Richard Johnson.
25th August 2013 - the 220th anniversary of the opening of Australia's first church.

Australia's first Church used as a schoolhouse during the week near Circular Quay, Sydney
Please here click here to see 4 minute video
The first church in Australia was opened in 1793 on the 25 August and it was used during the week as a schoolhouse with 150-220 children educated under the "superintendance of the clergy". The Bicentenary of this event was held in 1993 commencing with a march of 3,000 Christian school pupils from the Domain via Richard Johnson Square to the Opera House led by Mounted Police and the Corrective Services Dept Band. The band itself claims to be the oldest Service band in Australia going back to the convict guards and the Royal Marines. Other bands included were the King's School Military Band and the Scot College Pipe and Drum Band.

Click here for more details about Rev Richard Johnson and the First Church

Christian Schools celebrate the Bicentenary in 1993
Watch the National Gathering (1988) video "With One Accord" on You Tube. Introduced by Kel Richards
New Zealand Christian History
Bicentenary Celebrations of the Gospel arriving in New Zealand 2014 Two hundred years of the Gospel in New Zealand will be commemorated in 2014. Marsden Cross Trust chairman Richard Randerson convened a meeting mid-2009 to bring together some of the groups who have an interest in this significant event. The main focus of the planning group will be the organisation of events on and around 25 December 2014, which marks the 200th anniversary of the Gospel being preached in New Zealand by the Reverend Samuel Marsden on 25 December 2014...

Christian History Research launches new site
The new Christian History Research website contains all of the content from the old site. It's just been re-organised to make it easier to find and to use. If you are familiar with the old site, you will still find the large and diverse collection of information and resources. All of this is accessed through the menu at the top of each page. We hope you will benefit from your visit and come back again soon.
The Final Report on the Australian National Curriculum Review released 12 October 2014