The Bible in Australia
Purchase from Koorong Books
Two interviews with the author Meredith Lake
1. The book that has been ever present in Australia's post European settlement
On ABC Early Mornings with Barry Nicholls: Download What role has the Bible played in shaping Australian culture? (8.44 MB)
Historically the Bible has played a significant role in Australian life. Meredith Lake in her book The Bible in Australia explores how in the hands of Bible-bashers, immigrants, suffragists, evangelists, unionists, writers, artists and Indigenous Australians, the Bible has played a contested but defining role in this country. 18min. Tue 3 Dec 2019. Or Listen here
2. The Bible in Australia
By Geraldine Doogue on ABC Saturday Extra
Download The Bible in Australia (17.47 MB)
Dr Lake's discusses how it shaped our institutions, affected our national identity etc. Dr Meredith Lake talks to Geraldine about the Bible's often overlooked place in Australian history.
Guest: Meredith Lake, historian and host, Soul Search. 19min. Sat 30 Nov 2019. Listen here
A 48 minute interview on the 22 September 2020 to over 700 Christian radio station listeners throughout Australia with Vision Christian Radio
Outback NSW Christian History - Dr Paul Roe (Outback Christian Historian) - 22 Sept 2020
Two Interviews on Vision Christian Media:
A/Prof Stuart Piggin Interviewed by Neil Johnson on topics such as Australian Christians and War, Indigenous reconciliation, and on Revivals Listen here (47 minutes)
Dr Graham McLennan interviewed by Neil Johnson listen here for a 45 minute interview on Richard Johnson and National Christian Heritage Sunday.

Matt Prater
Matt Prater has worked in Radio since the age of 15, working as an announcer, in sales, training staff and copy writing. He has also been a youth pastor, DJ, a Children’s entertainer.Here are over 330 radio interviews.

Faith Runs Deep
follows three plots - the historical content, the personal story of many of the series’ guests as well as sharing the personal journey of faith and ministry of Karl and Jane Faase. You will get to know the host in front of the camera and the producer behind the scenes for the first time!
The series is now available on the Olive Tree Media’s Watch+ platform for a small monthly fee (as little as $4 a month). You can sign up as a partner for individual, family, small group and church-sized packages.
Watch this video for an explanation of how you can access the platform.
We’d love you to watch it yourself, and watch with those who don’t yet know Jesus. Be someone with beautiful feet!
A series of audio segments on influential Christians.
Mary Reiby: Her image is printed on the Australian $20 note. She started as a convict and became a hero.
William Arnott of Arnotts Biscuits
David Bassau who pioneered small businesses in poverty stricken countries
First Christmas in Australia
Royston Siddons, the founder of the Sidchrome brand in Australia.
Henry Holden and the founding of the Holden car making company. Henry Holden was a Christian who made a difference.
Australian surgeon Catherine Hamlin has just celebrated her 90th birthday, and for most people, this would be a good enough reason to slow down.
Watch this video about the Rev Richard Johnson
Flynn's biography
John Flynn was a Christian Missionary who created the Royal Flying Doctor Service. In this application you will learn how Flynn, by trusting God, would become one of Australia's greatest leaders.
The application features:
- Flynn's biography
- Flynn's timeline
- an explanatitory twenty dollar note
- audio re-enactment of some of Flynn's statements
- and plenty more...
This application will take about 20 minutes to complete.
Making note of our Historic Flying Doctor Service
Read this article on John Flynn and the $20 dollar note.
Christian foundations of ANZAC Day
Listen as Neil Johnson interviews author John Moses, courtesy of Vision Christian Radio.
Part 1:
A discussion of the Christian foundations of ANZAC Day.
Part 2:
This discussion about the Christian foundations of ANZAC Day continues.

To hear more ANZAC audio go here
To see a video of Japanese Commander Captain Mitsuo Fuchida who commenced the WW11 Pacific War later giving his life to Christ go here
William Bligh
A short documentary of fifteen minutes emphasising the faith that William Bligh had in God. Many people today don't really know much about Bligh other than that he was a seemingly hard and strict disciplinarian. We do however find that there is another side to Bligh not commonly known or necessarily taught, that was his Faith in the God of the Bible.
Bligh's story most notably involves the Mutiny on the Bounty and the Rum Rebellion. Bligh's trip is notable as it was in an open boat from Tonga to Fiji, the New Hebrides, through Providential Channel, and then onto Timor. It is still considered today to be the most arduous & difficult boat trip of all time. Bligh later became Governor of NSW and was sent from England to sort out the issue of corruption, where officers were involved in the illegal trade of Rum. Hence we know it today as the Rum Rebellion.
Bligh was followed by Governor Macquarie who brought with him his own military unit!
This video is released for Australia Day 2016 and can be freely distributed for educational and not for profit purposes.
The Story of John Ridley
The story of John Ridley as told by his daughter Ruth. Born to be a Soldier and the story of "Mr Eternity" Arthur Stace. Interviewed by Neil Johnson on Vision Christian Radio,
Part 1:
Part 2:
Arthur Stace and the author of the book, “Eternity,” Roy Williams.
Three part series on Arthur Stace and the author of the book, “Eternity,” Roy Williams. Interview by Eric Skattebo
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Edward Eyre
Correction on Caroline Chisholm: Later, when marrying, she became a Catholic. There was a condition that her husband Captain Archibald Chisholm would support her if God was to call her to a special act of public service.
Overview of Australia's Christian History
A short overview of Australia's Christian history with a special reference to Melbourne. It is produced by Elijah Media
Australian National Day of Prayer
Parramatta Orphan School
An example of Christian Education early in Australia's Past
The History of the building of the Parramatta Orphan School. The three story building, the first of the new colony still remains standing to this day. It was commisioned by a Governor Lachlan Macquarie who showed Christian Faith in his daily life and felt something should be done for the orphan children of Parrammatta. The building survives to this day as an example of Government education that was started not as secular but Christian in its emphasis.
Australia's Oldest Standing School and Church Building -1809 - Ebenezer Church, Sydney
This video gives a short concise history of the founding of one of Australia's earliest Christian Schools. The Church is Australia's oldest standing and can be visited at Ebenezer, near Windsor, at the foothills of the Blue Mountains in Western Sydney. It remains to this day as a testament to those early Christian pioneers that settled the area in 1803 that established a Bible Based School for the Christian Education of their children.
Frank Jenner - George Street Evangelist
Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is like a man who goes out and sows seed. This is the incredible story of Frank Jenner and how God used him in George Street, Sydney, to spread the good news of Jesus around the world. God bless you and empower you to be a bold and unembarrassed witness of Jesus Christ.
This updated version of the story of Frank Jenner is produced by and is based on the book "Jenner of George Street" by Dr Raymond Wilson. A high quality version of the DVD is available from
The Man from George Street
An amazing story of a lifetime of Evangelism and Witnessing. See how many lives this Christian touched.
Arthur Stace
Read this article about Arthur Stace, a misfit who then came to be a follower of Jesus and a household name (includes a link to film).
Mitchell on Law - Podcasts

Summit Ministries talk by the late Dr David Mitchell in January 2007 in Canberra. Speaking on Origins of Australian Law.
Dr David Mitchell was an Australian Lawyer and a leading authority on Constitutional and Human Rights issues, being a graduate of the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. Amongst many attainments he was Attorney-General of the African nation of Lesotho, is an ordained Presbyterian Minister residing in Hobart, Tasmania and was an elected delegate to the Constitutional Convention held in 1988.
David Mitchell Track 01 - 22:34 mins
David Mitchell Track 02 - 9:30 mins
Fighting Mackenzie - Podcasts

William McKenzie (1869 - 1947),
by unknown photographer, 1918, courtesy of Australian War Memorial. P00329.001.
Mackenzie Track 01 - 15:02 mins
Mackenzie Track 02 - 20:02 mins
Source: Salvos Media: ANZAC Radio Program, 2006
Thirty second Radio CSA for CHR website.
Various formats
A series of audio segments on influential Christians.
Audio and video by Rodney Carr "Songs of Hope" radio program Life stories | Songs of Hope
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